Living with an Alcoholic

When someone lives with an alcoholic there are many highs and lows that go with it. Spouses and children are affected indirectly when they are living with an alcoholic. The effects can vary from being withdrawn to being enablers of the alcoholic parent or spouse. Spouses are also affected differently than the children are.

When it comes to the affects of how a spouse can be affected when living with an alcoholic they can be very withdrawn and provide very little reaction when cornered. They may have lived with an abusive alcoholic and learned to be quiet and stay clear of any supposed infractions. They may also believe that they deserve what they get because they are unable to help their spouse overcome their affliction. Women who have an alcoholic husband may also be enablers because they inadvertently support their husband by making excuses for his behavior. Men, on the other hand, who have alcoholic wives usually, do not become enablers. They are more likely to separate or divorce their spouse, which often causes the wives to seek the help they need to get over their illness.

Children of who are living with an alcoholic can share some of the characteristics that a spouse has. For instance, they may be timid because they have learned that their alcoholic parent has a hair-trigger with mood swings; and if the parent has an abusive tendency, it is often better to avoid triggering the mood swing in the first place. They may choose to stay in denial to avoid any confrontation with the alcoholic parent. Children can also be enablers in the same way that a spouse can in that they can provide excuses on the whereabouts of their alcoholic parent; often lying to cover up for the fact that their parent has a drinking problem.

The love that spouses and children have for their spouse or parent who is an alcoholic often overshadows the right way of getting help. They may also feel that there is not a problem and will go out of their way to avoid admitting that a problem exists. Those who are living with an alcoholic often feel insecure and possibly fearful for their well-being if abuse also exists in the household. Their insecurities can lead to self-doubt and their need to please everyone in their path to avoid any negative recriminations.



Alcohol Use
 Alcoholism and Addiction
 Blood Alcohol Concentration
 Blood Alcohol Calculators
 Blood Alcohol Measurement
 How Alcohol Affects The Body
 How Alcohol Affects The Brain
 Alcohol Analyzers

Alcohol Abuse
 Myths and Facts about Alcohol
 Causes and Risk Factors for Alcoholism
 Signs of Alcoholism
 Complications of Alcoholism
 Treatment for Alcoholism
 Alcohol Rehabilitation
 Alcohol Treatment Centers
 Alcohol in Men Versus Women
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Living with Alcoholism
 Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
 Living with an Alcoholic
 Children of Alcoholics
 Adult Children of Alcoholics

Other Alcohol Resources

 Alcoholics Anonymous
 Stupid Reasons to Drink
 Alcoholism Research

Random Facts about Alcohol

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